Connecting biblical and theological studies with other disciplines in the arts, humanities and social sciences is at the heart of our ‘Bible and the Contemporary World’ programme. We have been offering this opportunity since 2003 and seen over 100 people graduate with an MLitt or Postgraduate Diploma.
Through part-time study, largely via the Internet, you join with others from across the world in relating the Christian tradition to a host of aspects of life. From guided reading, lectures and online discussions you gain an understanding of how culture shapes, and has been shaped by, Christian belief, practice and theology. You become critically aware of disputes, how these are addressed in scholarly literature, and learn how to develop your own judgements on matters of serious common concern.
Here’s just a small selection of the type of essay titles you might be given to write about:
- Surveillance technologies are a gift of God. Discuss
- Examine a medical ethical issue by using one or more films, TV programmes, or podcasts.
- Which model of the image of God (imago Dei) do you find the most convincing?
- Discuss the Book of Revelation’s economic critique of Rome and relate this critique to lifestyle and economic issues/choices facing Christians in the contemporary world.