Students have written a 15, 000 word dissertation as their fourth module. Here are just a few examples of topics covered by the now more than 100 graduates from this programme:
- Post-Truth and Crisis of Trust: Rebuilding Bridging Social Capital through Conviviality.
- To Have and To Hold: Theological Perspectives on Personal Gun Ownership in the United States.
- Reading the Old Testament with South Asian Migrant Workers: A Dialogic Approach.
- A Successful Life: Hermanus Contractus and disability theology.
- Facing the Selfie: towards a theology of selfie photographs.
- The language of personhood and the church’s ministry concerning early miscarriage.
- Public theology in China: Notions of the public under the Chinese socialist regime and the role of Protestant Christianity.
We are delighted that two of our graduates have won the national dissertation prize run by the British & Irish Association for Practical Theology (BIAPT). Click these links to read more about the recognition affored Lynn McChlery (2014) and Diana Hall (2017).